I’ve Written about everything

Socially awkward vampires. Existential crises in Ireland. Turtle stage moms. Yeah.



They wait patiently (but not idly) for the day they can emerge from their subterranean habitat.


The haven - Of mice and Women

Who’s really in charge here?


P.S. I LOVE YOU - To the Ones who have my butt

Taking care of yourself is a kindness to others.


THE SALVE - When it all goes quiet

Tidy, contained God is easier to worship, but crumbles in the presence of my big, nuanced problems.


Medium Women - Hey, World. Periods Still Suck

Thoughts on how annoying it is to have a uterus.


MEDium STYLE - Everyone needs a summer sack, stat

Don’t call it a muumuu. It’s a Summer Sack and you’re going to be begging for one come August.


The Salve - What It’s like being A Christian who is also a feminist

Some people think these identities are in conflict with each other.


THe Cut - Adventures in dating while christian

I didn’t mean to make my faith an ultimatum. Not at first, anyway.

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INK Zine - OUttake from the florida regional jungle boogie pageant

Barb, a disheveled woman dressed in a tracksuit, approaches a panel of pageant judges. She sets down a turtle wearing a crushed velvet leotard.

Two Pints Lighter - Indie Feature Film

Shot on location in Asbury Park, New Jersey, Two Pints Lighter is a surreal, subversive comedy with a bite all its own.